Mental Health Services

Centralized Intake Department (CID)

The Centralized Intake Department is the entry point for Community Residence-Single Room Occupancy (CR-SRO), Intensive Apartment Program (IAP), and Supportive-Single Room Occupancy (SP-SRO). Mental health diagnosis and OMH SPMI criteria are required for most of our housing programs and the Single Point of Access (SPOA) form required for all programs. SPOA must be completed and received by CID prior to scheduling an appointment. Intakes may be done off-site to meet consumer needs.

Download SPOA and fax to CID at (315) 214-3205.


Supported Housing

Supportive Housing Programs assist individuals with a serious psychiatric disability and OMH high priority status to obtain independent apartment living within the community by providing individualized levels of support based on client need. Supports include assistance with housing set up, and communication with property owners, financial sources, and treatment teams. Participants are encouraged to engage with outpatient treatment and wellness self-management.

These programs are for individuals discharging from psychiatric hospitals or other transitional housing programs to assist with obtaining housing in the community through support and advocacy. To apply, submit SPOA application and mental health treatment records documenting serious psychiatric disability, OMH high priority status, and source of income.


Supported Housing I: Assists adults who have a serious psychiatric disability to obtain housing within the community; provides ongoing supportive services as needed.  Apply through Onondaga Adult SPOA team.

Supported Housing II: Designed to transition clients from long-term care at state psychiatric facilities. Referrals open to OMH psychiatric facilities only.

Supportive Housing First: Works in conjunction with ACT team to provide housing. Referrals open to ACT team only, via Adult SPOA team.

Recovery Permanent Supported Housing Programs (RPSHP): Assists adults with a documented disability in locating housing within the community. Program provides case management as needed and requires a transition from homelessness as defined by U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD).  Apply through the Housing and Homelessness Coalition’s Coordinated Entry List/HMIS.

Residential Housing

Community Residence  Single Room Occupancy (CR-SRO)

Long-term, dormitory-style housing for adults who meet the criteria for OMH serious mental illness (SMI).  Residences staffed 24/7 with secure reception areas. On-site staff provides services including medication self-administration assistance, crisis intervention, skills coaching to build activities for daily living, person-centered recovery opportunities, and social and recreational events. Meals and snacks provided, if desired. Laundry rooms, TV lounges, and game rooms available. Participants are encouraged to build independent living skills and may transition to less supportive housing, but no limit exists for length of stay. Candidates should be eligible for SSI Level II Benefits to pay residence fees.


Genesee CR-SRO – Program links three homes to create a service complex for 48 individuals. Located adjacent to a city bus stop. Backyard landscape provides comfortable leisure space.

Gateway CR-SRO -This residence is located on a large lot with ample green space.  Serves up to 24 individuals.

Hawthorn CR-SRO -Newer construction on a large corner lot.  Serves up to 24 individuals.

Homestead CR-SRO – This residence offers private apartments.  Rooms contain kitchenette facilities and private bathrooms.  Serves up to 24 individuals.

To apply:

  • SPOA application, MH treatment records, proof of SMI eligibility, source of income, history and physical, and capacity for self-preservation required.
  • Apply through our Residential Intake Department or Onondaga County SPOA Team.

Susan’s Place

 Thirteen apartments open to women with a documented disability.  Some capability to serve women with dependent children.  Apartments leased in Helio Health’s name; Helio Health pays full rent to property owner and charges client 30% of their income.  Clients seen by staff on a weekly basis. Referrals from the Coordinated Entry List produced by CoC.



Supportive Living/Dual Recovery Supportive Living

Support services for homeless adults with Axis 1 diagnosis of substance use disorder and/or mental health disorder.  Case managers work with program participants to develop Individualized Service Plans with goals of reaching self-sufficiency within 2 years.  Weekly contact and bi-weekly home visits by case manager to assist with linking to community supports.




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